Natural braided pizzle made from 100% buffalo with no artificial preservatives, a long-lasting and tasty chew which promotes good dental health.
These natural braided buffalo pizzles are sold separately. Bicester Raw is all about promoting natural food and treats for our canine friends. The buffalo pizzle is a healthier and leaner alternative to pork or beef whilst containing Omega-3. These braided pizzles are superb for chewing which strengthens your dog’s teeth and gums whilst entertaining them for hours.
- Braided pizzle
- 100% buffalo
- Protein 80.5%, Moisture 5.6%, Fat 7.5%, Crude Fibre 0.6%, Crude Ash 1.5%
- Sold individually
- Natural treats
- No artificial ingredients
- Dog treats
- Chew treats
- Supports healthy joints
- Available in store
As part of the Bicester Raw Natural Treats Collection, these braided buffalo pizzles are a fabulous addition to your dog’s treat box. Long-lasting, chewable and packed with goodness, these treats will be sure to keep your dog happy.
100% buffalo pizzle with no artificial additives or preservatives. Bicester Raw believes in the power of natural and nutritious treats. The flavours and benefits for your dog are spectacular. For a healthy gut, firmer stools and good dental hygiene, the natural route is a no-brainer. Buffalo products are high in protein, low in saturated fat and a great source of Omega-3. The pizzle really can clean your dog's teeth and are great for dogs with stomach sensitivities. The braided buffalo pizzle is naturally air-dried to preserve nutrients. We recommend supervising your dog whilst chewing and always having clean drinking water available.
This dog chew is deliciously succulent and drool-worthy. Come and visit us in-store and pick up your braided buffalo pizzle. Let your four-legged friend choose their natural chew for themselves. Which one is their favourite? We have a large range of 100% natural dog food, treats and more for you to browse. We can’t wait to welcome you to Bicester Raw.