100% natural turkey mince with no added artificial preservatives. The perfect raw dog food, packed full of essential nutrients to form part of a balanced diet for your canine companion.
The Southcliffe turkey mince is sold in a 454g packet. Bicester Raw believe in feeding our dogs top quality real raw dog food for healthier and happier dogs. This product contains 80% turkey mince, 10% turkey bone and 10% offal. Southcliffe are a trusted partner of ours. They use Human Grade Quality raw ingredients sourced in the UK and have a Red Tractor seal of quality and approval.
- Turkey mince
- 454g packet
- 100% Natural
- Raw diet
- Human grade quality
- No artificial preservatives
- Lean meat
- Bone health
- Shiny coats
- Raw dog food
As part of the Bicester Raw Dog Food Collection, this raw turkey mince is a super tasty addition to your dog’s raw food diet. A lean alternative, and a great source of fatty and amino acids, this healthy raw dog food is sure to go down a treat with your pup.
Made from 100% real raw ingredients with no added artificial ingredients. At Bicester Raw, we believe in giving our dogs real raw and sustainably-sourced food. A raw food diet gives your dog more energy, and a better digestive system and reduces the risk of critical illnesses like heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Turkey builds lean muscle mass in dogs whilst delivering Omega-6 fatty acids that help promote healthy skin and shiny coats. Poultry is a great source of essential amino acids and glucosamine which helps sustain strong bones and teeth.
We would love to meet you and your canine companion in-store today at Bicester Raw. Come and visit us and browse our full collection of raw food, natural treats and more. Which will be your dogs favourite? We can’t wait to welcome you soon.